APPLICATION STATUS: (202) 418-2730
HOME PAGE: www.fcc.gov/media/radio/audio-division

ENGINEER: Jerome J. Manarchuck
TELEPHONE: (202) 418-7226
FACSIMILE: (202) 418-1410
E-MAIL: jerome.manarchuck@fcc.gov

June 4, 2019
Plymouth Rock Broadcasting Co., Inc.
17 Columbus Road
Plymouth, MA 02360

Plymouth Rock Broadcasting Co., Inc.
WPLM(AM), Plymouth, MA
Facility Identification Number: 52837
Special Temporary Authority

Dear Applicant:
This is in reference to the request filed May 31, 2019, on behalf of Plymouth Rock Broadcasting
Co., Inc. ("PRB"). PRB requests special temporary authority ("STA") to operate station
WPLM(AM) with parameters at variance from license values and/or reduced power while
maintaining monitor points within license limits. 1 Specifically, PRB requests that station
WPLM(AM) be permitted to operate with the station’s nighttime pattern during daytime and
nighttime hours at reduced power.
Station WPLM(AM) has not operated with its full licensed facilities since 2015. For some time
the station operated with reduced power and with parameters at variance to stay within the licensed
monitor point limits. Most recently, the station has been silent since June 7, 2018 in order to
provide time to make a full review of the station’s transmission facilities and to evaluate what
further work needed to be done. After making certain repairs and adjustments to the system the
station’s staff would now like to resume operations to test repairs to the night phasor and make
other adjustments. Therefore, the licensee requests STA to resume operation with the station’s
nighttime pattern during daytime and nighttime hours at reduced power. This will allow the
station to resume broadcast operation and prevent the station’s license from automatically expire if
broadcast operations do not commence by 12:01 a.m., June 8, 2019.
Accordingly, the request for STA IS HEREBY GRANTED, however the daytime power must
not exceed 2.5 kilowatts. Specifically, the station may operate daytime and nighttime with the
station’s currently licensed nighttime directional antenna pattern and with the reduced daytime
power so that there will be no extension of the licensed daytime coverage. It will be necessary to
further reduce power or cease operation if complaints of interference are received. WPLM(AM)

WPLM(AM) is licensed for operation on 870 kHz with a daytime power of 50 kilowatts and a nighttime power of 3
kilowatts, employing a directional antenna pattern at night (DA2-U).

must notify the Commission when licensed operation is restored. 2 WPLM(AM) must use
whatever means are necessary to protect workers and the public from exposure to radio frequency
radiation in excess of the Commission's exposure guidelines. See 47 CFR § 1.1310.
This authority expires on December 1, 2019.
Notwithstanding the grant of this STA or the expiration date specified herein, the station’s license
will expire as a matter of law if broadcast operations do not commence by 12:01 a.m., June 8,
2019. See Pub. Law No. 104-104, 110 Stat. 56, Section 403(1)(1996) and Order, Silent Station
Authorizations, FCC 96-218 (released May 17, 1996). See also Public Notice, Expedited
Processing of Applications Filed by Silent Stations, DA 96-818 (May 22,1996). The licensee must
notify the Audio Division immediately upon resumption of broadcasting.
STA Advisory: Section 309(f) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, authorizes the
Commission to grant STA in cases of "extraordinary circumstances requiring temporary
authorizations in the public interest and when delay in the institution of the temporary operations
would seriously prejudice the public interest." However, Section 309(f) is not a means by which a
licensee/permittee may circumvent established processing procedures which require the filing of
an application, nor is it a means by which a broadcaster may enhance his facility or make operation
more convenient for the broadcaster. Stations operating with less than licensed facilities under
temporary authorities can be viewed as receiving the benefit of a larger protection area than that in
which they are currently providing service.
Accordingly, Special Temporary Authorities by nature are to be temporary and are not intended for
extended use. Licensees of stations operating under temporary authorities are reminded that timely
restoration of permanent facilities is the responsibility of the licensee and should be undertaken
expeditiously. Any request for extension of special temporary authorities carries an increased
burden with each subsequent request.
Therefore, requests for extension of STA will be granted only where the licensee can show that
one or more of the following criteria have been met:
• Restoration of licensed facilities is complete and testing is underway;
• Substantial progress has been made during the most recent STA period toward
restoration of licensed operation; or


See 47 CFR §§ 73.45(c), 73.51, 73.61(b).


• No progress has been made during the most recent STA period for reasons clearly beyond
the licensee's control, and the licensee has taken all possible steps to expeditiously
resolve the problem.

Jerome J. Manarchuck
Audio Division
Media Bureau
cc: Susan A. Marshall, Esq. (via email only)