Dale Bickel

Dale Bickel
Thursday, May 31, 2018 8:13 AM
KUHB-FM BESTA-20180529AAE granted 5/31

Extension of Special Temporary Authority For a Radio Broadcast Station
Audio Division, Media Bureau
May 31, 2018
File Number:
Call Sign:
Facility ID Number: 53494
An extension of the Special Temporary Authority granted 12/4/2017 under file number BSTA-20171130AAO,
IS GRANTED, subject to all the terms and conditions specified in the original STA authorization.
This extended authority expires November 27, 2018.
Authorized by: Dale Bickel dale.bickel@fcc.gov
Senior Electronics Engineer
A copy of this e-mail will be posted in the FCC’s CDBS database under the file number above.
Please retain a copy of this authorization for your records.
Licensee must take all steps to ensure that workers and the public are not exposed to radiofrequency exposure
In excess of the Commission’s exposure limit.
This Special Temporary Authority does not supersede any non-FCC-regulated requirements applicable to the STA-authorized facility.
The licensee remains solely and wholly responsible for maintaining compliance with such requirements.
Requests for extension of STA may be granted only where the licensee can show that one or more of the following criteria have been
• Restoration of licensed facilities is complete and testing is underway;
• Substantial progress has been made during the most recent STA period toward restoration of licensed operation; or
• No progress has been made during the most recent STA period for reasons clearly beyond the licensee's control,
and the licensee has taken all possible steps to expeditiously resolve the problem.