Received & noected

JUL 072015
FCC Mail Room
Mr. Peter Doyle
I am a 17 year programmer at KZYX in Philo CA and a member since ifs
inception 25 years ago. This station is crucial to the challenges of living in
a rural area and the result of the sacrifice of countless volunteers, members
and staff. In spite of past financial difficulties the station is now in secure
standing due to the diligence of our general manager John Coate to whom
we are all greatly appreciative.
The station license is now being threatened by a very small contingent of
self serving malcontents circulating the most destructive untruths to further
their agenda. Initially ignored by staff and volunteers alike now it seems
possible that our hard earned license could be suspended by the extremism
of a very few and unsupported faction. Our modest resources are
diminished by their attacks.
I urge you to leave intact our license which is the culmination of the work
and sacrifice of countless members, volunteers, staff, board and fund
raising events over the last two dcades. This station is beyond value to us.
Thank you for your time and attention.
Colleen Bassett
Oak and Thorn
