APPLICATION STATUS: (202) 418-2730
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E-MAIL: charles.miller@fcc.gov
April 12, 2012

John M. Pelkey, Esq.
Garvey Schubert Barer
1000 Potomac Street 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20007

Just Because, Inc.
WGFP (AM), Webster, MA
Facility Identification Number: 50232
Special Temporaiy Authority

Dear Counsel:
This is in reference to the request filed April 5, 2012, on behalf of Just Because, Inc. ("JBI"). JBI
requests special temporary authority ("STA") to operate Station WGFP with temporary facilities.'
In support of the request, JBI states that the existing tower must be temporarily dismantled in
order to accommodate the experimental operation of station WX1CFA.2 WX1CFA is authorized
to test a crossed-field antenna at the licensed WGFP transmitter site. In order to maintain
operation during the experimental operation of WX1CFA, JBI requests STA to operate with a
temporary, long-wire antenna at the licensed site.
Our review indicates that the proposed STA operation complies with applicable technical rules.
Accordingly, the request for STA IS HEREBY GRANTED. Station WGFP may operate from its
licensed site with the following facilities:
Hours of operation
Operating power
Antenna type
Overall height

940 KHz
Not to exceed 1 kilowatt
Long wire
45 61 meters

It will be necessary to further reduce power or cease operation if complaints of interference are
received. JBI must notif,' the Commission when licensed operation is restored.3 JBI must use
1 WGFP is licensed for operation on 940 kHz with 1 kilowatt daytime and 4 watts nighttime, employing a
nondirectional antenna (ND-2-U).
2 WX 1 CFA (Facility ID NO. 190131) was granted a construction permit for a crossed-field antenna in BPEX20 120 1O3AED.
See 47 CFR § 73.45(c), 73.51, 73.61(b).

whatever means are necessary to protect workers and the public from exposure to radio frequency
radiation in excess of the Commission's exposure guidelines. See 47 CFR § 1.1310.
This authority expires on October 12, 2012.
STA Advisory: Section 309(f) of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, authorizes the
Commission to grant STA in cases of "extraordinary circumstances requiring temporary
authorizations in the public interest and when delay in the institution of the temporary operations
would seriously prejudice the public interest." However, Section 309(f) is not a means by which
a licensee/permittee may circumvent established processing procedures which require the filing
of an application, nor is it a means by which a broadcaster may enhance his facility or make
operation more convenient for the broadcaster. Stations operating with less than licensed
facilities under temporary authorities can be viewed as receiving the benefit of a larger protection
area than that in which they are currently providing service.
Accordingly, Special Temporary Authorities by nature are to be temporary and are not intended
for extended use. Licensees of stations operating under temporary authorities are reminded that
timely restoration of permanent facilities is the responsibility of the licensee and should be
undertaken expeditiously. Any request for extension of special temporary authorities carries an
increased burden with each subsequent request.
Therefore, requests for extension of STA will be granted only where the licensee can show that
one or more of the following criteria have been met:
• Restoration of licensed facilities is complete and testing is underway;
Substantial progress has been made during the most recent STA period toward
restoration of licensed operation; or
• No progress has been made during the most recent STA period for reasons clearly
beyond the licensee's control, and the licensee has taken all possible steps to
expeditiously resolve the problem.

Ann Gallagher, Engineer
Audio Division
Media Bureau