FEDERAl - COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 445 Twelfth Street, S.W. WASHINGTON DC 20554 MEDIA BUREAU AUDIO DIVISION APPLICATION STATUS: (202) 418-2730 HOME PAGE: www.fcc.gov/mb/asd DEC 12 ZO1 PROCESSING ENGINEER: Harding.Chism TELEPHONE: (202) 418-2700 FACSIMILE: (202) 418-1410 MAIL STOP: 1 800B3 INTER NET ADDRESS: Harding.Chism@fcc.gov Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Inc. P.O. Box 391 Twin Falls, Idaho 83303 In re: KJCC(FM), Carnegie, ID Calvary Chapel of Twin Falls, Inc. Facility ID No. 122517 BPED-201 11 1O4AEQ Dear Applicant: This 1ette is in reference to the above-captioned minor change construction permit application filed to modify the broadcast facilities of KJCC(FM). For the reasons stated below, we dismiss the application. An engineering study of the proposed directional antenna for KJCC, reveals that it is in violation of 47 C.F.R. Section 73.5 10(a)1 of the Commission's Rules. Section 73.5 10(a) states that noncommercial educational stations must comply with 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3 162 of the Commission's Rules. Specifically, Section 73.31 6(a)(2) states that "[d]irectional antennas used to protect short-spaced stations pursuant to Section 73.2 13 or Section 73.2 15 of the rules, that have a radiation pattern which varies more than 2 dB per 10 degrees of azimuth will not be authorized." It has been the Commission's long standing policy to apply the 2 dB/10° limitation to noncommercial educational stations protected under the analogous contour overlap section, 47 C.F.R. Section 73.509. The proposal violates this requirement. The proposed radiation pattern varies by as much as 2.29 dB per 100 between the azimuths of 1300 T and 140° T. It is necessary to note that the azimuth is in the direction of a short-spaced station and a directional antenna is necessary to prevent any prohibited overlap. In light of the above, Application BPED-2O1111O4AEQ is unacceptable for filing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. Section 73.3 566(a) and IS HEREBY DISMISSED. This action is taken pursuant to Section 0.283 of the Commission's Rules.4 Sincerely, // I Rodolfo F. Bonacci Assistant Chief Audio Division Media Bureau cc: 1 Michael Kestler See § 73.510(a). Se § 73.3 16. See § 73.509. 45ee47 CFR 0.283 2 ,